
Monday, May 30, 2011

Last Day Adventures

There is something just a little anti-climactic about having your last day off be EVERYBODY'S day off. My secret little city that I've had total run of these last two months is suddenly flooded with people. Where did they all come from and how do they know all my favorite shops and streets?

On the other hand, what better way to celebrate than to stumble upon and join in a parade (really):

It was the Lakeview DIY Parade but they had a marching band and all and so I couldn't resist.

This all happening while on my way to do some last minute shopping. Oh, the spoils of Memorial Day Weekend:

A bit of necessity before starting a new job and a bit of self indulgence for starting a new job.

I am excited to start tomorrow. Anxious. Ready. But...I have loved these two months of reflection, growth and healing. How I will miss these adventurous mornings and quiet afternoons.

Tomorrow, a new era awaits. Stay tuned....

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