
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Remember me

Having visited ancient ruins around the world, trying desperately to imagine the lives of the people that walked the same road, bridge, floor that I now traversed I sometimes find myself wondering... Will tourists someday file past the foundations of these buildings and wonder what kind of people walked under their towering shadow? Will they imagine me?


I've been waiting for the free time to edit some photos from an afternoon exploring several vintage shops. But, sigh, the moment has not arrived. My camera has not been untouched since then but I stubbornly just keep waiting...waiting...

Feels a bit like life. So in the smallest gesture I'm defying the oh so human desire to wait for the perfect moment and instead go with the unpolished, the unimpressive, the simple and, yet, the delightful.

While cleaning, I noticed something strange about my laptop bag:

Did you find him?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Yes, my lord

I'm beginning to think that Chicagoans are really just suffering from a very, very bad case of Stockholm Syndrome. Our winter (and in this case, spring too!) is so harsh that when our great captor finally graces us with fair weather, we are utterly delirious with delight and devotion. Were the last few days as heavenly as I imagined it or is it merely the delusions of broken spirit? You tell me:

At my office:

At the lake:

At Rib Fest 2011: (That dark mass protruding from her dress is, yes, a dog.)

At my family reunion:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

City life

11am: Hiking

2pm: Real Mammoth bones

6:30pm: Classical concert




Friday, July 8, 2011

Train buddies

For the first time in months, I've had the occasion to ride the morning train I used to take to work for almost four years.

Sure enough, all my train buddies were there. You know them - the people you see everyday but never talk to, people with names like "80's hair guy" and "Romance novel girl."

I got to sit across from beard guy today. I wonder if he recognized me. I wonder if he would think it creepy that I took his picture.

I missed you, beard guy.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bartender, baker, bookshelf maker

In the last two weeks, I have:

Built a bookshelf

Purchased art for my wall

Baked banana bread (I had lots of bananas)

And, yes, graduated from bartending school

I'd invite you over for drinks and dessert but I'm too tired.